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SAW Airport Lounge

SAW Airport Lounge

It is possible to rest and take a sigh of relief with the SAW airport lounge, which is the savior of long-term waiting on domestic or international flights.

Considering all the flights, the high number of flights made, technical usual disruptions and changes in aircraft take-off and landing times can cause extreme densities. People who want to travel by plane also have more waiting times since they have their procedures done at the airport at least 2 hours before the flight time. On the other hand, there is an accumulation of people getting off the plane with the need to take luggage and rest to travel.

At the same time, when you think of a crowd such as those who meet people who get off the plane, those who say goodbye to those who get on, there is a need for a waiting room that can move freely.

For all those waiting here, the SAW airport lounge offers the option to meet general needs in a smooth and comfortable environment.

In the SAW airport lounge, services such as eating and drinking, WC, shower, sleep, play, computer, childcare, children’s playroom, meeting room are offered to a large extent.

The contents of all services are provided in accordance with international quality standards. Hygiene rules are complied with in the waiting rooms. Maximum level of cleanliness is offered with permanent staff. In the waiting areas, enough areas with large capacity allow people to get service comfortably by preventing the crowding. It is your choice to evaluate the waiting times as you wish.

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